
Il Dott. F. Cracolici partecipa, come delagato WFAS ai lavori della 68 assemblea mondiale dell'OMS

Sixty-eighth World Health Assembly opens in Geneva

18 May 2015 -- The Sixty-eighth session of the World Health Assembly is taking place in Geneva from 18–26 May 2015. Officials from 194 Member States begin their annual review of the activities of WHO and set new priorities for the future. Angela Merkel, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany addressed delegates today. "The WHO is the only international organization that has universal political legitimacy on global health issues,” she said. 

  FrancoCracoliciWFAS  WHO Angela Merkel  assemblea

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wfasmerkel FrancoCracoliciWFAS

Angela Merkel

Dott. Franco Cracolici