“L’ arte dell’ascolto. Medicina taoista, suonoterapia e microsistemi: sinergia tra sistemi di cura.”
In the West, art has developed a complex symbolism by which artists manipulate their medium to communicate with their audience. Music is considered a language of emotions and is composed of “sound forms in motion”. This is the only point in common with the idea of art in the East, where communication is achieved by means of ideograms – visual effects in motion – rather than through logos – simple, rigid words. The authors of The Art of Listening start from Daoism and lead readers through captivating essays on sound, vibration, the act of listening and its energy and psychic effects, both local and general.
Franco Cracolici, an expert on Daoism, provides countless comparisons between this school of thought and ancient Greek philosophy […].Fabio Pianigiani illustrates the historical, symbolic, metaphorical and practical value of music, and states convincingly that the act of listening is the same as thinking, imagining and evoking. In the third part, Massimo Rinaldi introduces the concept of microsystems, i.e. topographical representations of the entire organism in very specific body areas. In acupuncture and Chinese medicine, microsystems can be used for diagnostic (tongue, eye, etc.) and therapeutic (hand, foot, scalp, ear, nose, etc.) purposes. If stimulated with needles, massage or photon beams (lasers), etc., therapeutic microsystem points can generate effects on the body as a whole. […] Thus, the three complementary parts of the book illustrate an energy-based view of the body and its relationship with nature and emotions, along with the therapeutic impact of sounds and vibrations, both direct (by perception) and indirect (by acupuncture). (From the Preface by Carlo Di Stanislao)