WFAS 2019 International Symposium on Acupuncture
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to cordially invite you to the WFAS 2019 International Symposium on Acupuncture – Moxibution to be held on November 14 – 17, 2019 at the Kaya Palazzo Belek Hotel & Convention Center in Antalya – Turkey. The theme of this year’s symposium is ‘International Consensus on Acupuncture and Complementary Medicine’.
The symposium aims to bring together the health professionals from around the world working on acupuncture and complementary medicine to share their knowledge, skills and practices; to learn new techniques and complementary applications and to get take-home messages and practices for their daily workflow.
The scientific program will include plenary sessions, keynote lectures, panel discussions, workshops, practical applications on the clinical practices of acupuncture, moxibustion and complementary medicine in order for the participants to improve the quality and success of their daily practice. We are confident that this will be a very good opportunity for you to update the relevant data and their clinical applications and interactive moments will clarify the uncertainties.
Antalya, located on the southern coastline of Turkish Riviera, is one of the earliest settlement areas of Anatolia. Its magnificent theatres, temples and ruins of ancient cities reflect the historical richness. Antalya region has been inhabited by the Lycians, Romans, Greek, and the Turks. There are several ancient cities that were preserved in excellent condition up to our time. Antalya, one of the most popular holiday destinations on the Mediterranean, is a lively city with a rich historical heritage and attracts millions of tourists every year. The coast with its golden sandy beaches and warm waters is perfect for swimming almost year around. When tired of scientific activities, one may relax on the beach and enjoy some of the most delicious Mediterranean food and beverage.
We aim to create an environment that generates a great deal of dialogue among participants and the experts, leading to idea exchange and discussions, collaborations and most importantly friendship.
We would be delighted to welcome you in a socially enjoyable, scientifically rich, comfortable and warm environment. We want to feel completely at home, in Antalya, and in Turkey. Your participation and your contribution will be our strength.
Best regards,
Altre date
- Da 14 Novembre 2019 16:30 a 17 Novembre 2019 20:30
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