2nd World Congress Integrative Medicine and Health
Dear Colleagues,
As presidents, it is our pleasure to invite you to the 2nd World Congress on Integrative Medicine & Health (WCIMH) in Rome September 20-23, 2023.
This event also marks the 18th International Congress on Traditional, Complementary & Integrative Medicine Research (ICCMR), the 15th Congress for Integrative Medicine [ECIM] and the 11th Artoi International Conference (ARTOI).
The 2nd World Congress WCIMH arises from multiple needs: first of all, that of selecting and presenting the best research activities conducted worldwide, in the experimental and clinical fields, on traditional, complementary and integrative medicine and health. Research that aims to advance theoretical knowledge and expand and diversify concrete applications to benefit people’s health and well-being.
For this reason, ample space is reserved for the various and numerous experiences of integrating complementary medicine into health resources and even more within healthcare systems worldwide. The values of this Congress are the strong international imprint we have left, focusing on the experiences made in every corner of the planet, always supported by the best scientific evidence available, and including treatment systems that have their roots in millenary traditions.
We defined several exciting congress topics including integrative oncology and the range of therapies for the person with cancer, in the awareness that the patients require and deserve a global approach aimed not only at improving their physical symptoms but also attentive to optimizing their emotional and mental well-being.
The clinical practice of traditional, complementary, and integrative medicine is the protagonist of many sessions, together with the deepening of research topics – basic, translational, and clinical – and the training of therapists and healthcare professional.
A global and integrated approach to well-being also means multidisciplinary collaboration between the various professional figures, synergy in the definition of an authentic path towards health: we, therefore, give importance to holistic treatments such as massage, mind-body techniques, touch therapy, healthy nutrition and physical activity, as an essential foundation for promoting a lifestyle that nourishes and sustains health.
Specific sessions are dedicated to the central themes of pediatrics because the child’s health is the basis of the well-being of adults and society. Furthermore an important and a actual focus will be on post-infectious diseases in the world scenario redesigned by COVID-19 and finally we will highlight the topic art and medicine, to work out the importance of art treatment for medicine and to reflect what medicine in art work.
Last but not least: the WCIMH takes up and relaunches the challenge of consolidating an international network of researchers, clinicians, and therapists in the beautiful town of Rome, The objective of this community should be to commit to promoting comparison, dialogue, and exchange of ideas, practices, and experiences – within our field and with conventional medicine – to advance together towards health for all, with respect for nature, the environment, and all living beings that inhabit the planet.
There is a saying: “All roads lead to Rome”. We welcome you with great enthusiasm to the 2nd WCIMH in Rome in September 2023.
Congress President
Ting Bao
Massimo Bonucci
Benno Brinkhaus
Sian Cotton
Holger Cramer
Elio Rossi
Amie Steel
Claudia Witt
Altre date
- Da 20 Settembre 2023 07:00 a 23 Settembre 2023 13:30
- 1 Gennaio 1970 01:00
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